Moving Forward
Have you ever heard a song that you may have heard a thousand times, but for some reason it speaks to you the 1,001st time you hear it? That's what happened to me this Sunday. At church we sang the song Moving Forward. I remember singing this song at church shortly after our miscarriage and feeling like I just couldn't "move forward" and really, I didn't want to move forward. This time, it felt like each and every word was for me. I know so many people say, "you've just got to move on", but that is so easy to say and soooo hard to do. This song was just for me on Sunday and maybe it's for you. Here's a bit of the song:
I'm not going back
I'm moving ahead
I'm here to declare to you
My past is over in you old things are made new
Surrender my life to Christ
I'm moving moving forward
You make all things new
You make all things new
I will follow you Forward Lately there have been so many thoughts running through my head. I so want my husband to be exceedingly and abundantly blessed in his career, there are so many things we have to buy for a baby, I'm trusting God that I'll somehow be able to be a stay at home mom, what if my boss doesn't want me to work from home, what if we don't have enough money saved up to get us through my maternity leave? I could go on and on. I'm so excited to have this healthy baby growing inside of me and believe me he lets me know he's there:) There were times recently when I thought I completely and totally trusted God, but it seems like just when I get to that place He pushes me one more step. It's like He doesn't want me to be satisfied with the way things are, but He wants to challenge me. I for one do not want to be challenged, but I know I'll be closer in my relationship to Christ because of these "challenges".