Well friends, it's good to be home. Josh and I went on a vacation to San Diego last week and it was wonderful! We did so much walking, I mean so so much walking:) I really enjoyed our time together. On a normal day we see each other for a few hours in the evening, but that's about it. It was nice to spend an entire week together with no distractions, other than the Suns/Lakers games:)
Yesterday I was 19 weeks 5 days and we went in for our anatomy scan at the doctor's office. Josh hadn't seen the baby since he was a mere 8 weeks old, so I knew it would be special to see him nearly 11 weeks later. It's amazing to me how babies (and moms) grow. We got to see a good face shot of out little man. We know he is definitely a boy, we could see him opening and shutting his hands, it was just great. Then we had to wait to see the doctor regarding the results of the ultrasound. Of course the u/s tech tells you pretty much nothing other than what you're looking at, like there his hand, there's his kidneys, etc. The doctor came in and she said there was some reason for concern based on the u/s results. Apparently our little man has slightly dilated kidneys, which she said can be normal in boys. He also has more fluid than they like to see in some part of his brain, this is also more common in boys. To be very honest I don't remember exactly what she said. I didn't even think to ask how dilated are the kidneys and how much fluid more than normal is there? I should have gotten everything in writing so I could look over it later. They are referring us to a perinatologist for further evaluation and a level 2 u/s. Of course we got home and googled the info we had just received. I think Josh remembered better than I did. Other than those 2 things everything else looked fine. She did say that the baby was not in a real good position to look at everything. So, Friday we go for our perinatologist appointment. This whole thing is a bit scary. I guess I was just floored when the doctor told us we should be concerned. You go into this whole thing and think they are going to tell you what a healthy baby you have and anything that is not normal is just not a good thing. The doctor did say that both of these issues could resolve themselves over the next few weeks, so we shall see.
I keep thinking, well the u/s tech had a hard time getting a good look at his brain because his head was right behind my bellybutton. She just kept mentioning that she was having a hard time. Hopefully the perinatologist will be able to get a better look at things. I'm praying that they don't recommend an amnio. I just really don't want one of those. So, my perfectly normal pregnancy is not so perfectly normal anymore, but I'm hanging in there and praying for the best.
Please be in prayer for our little one this week if you think about it. I'm believing that this is all nothing and everything will clear itself up. We serve a God who is a healer and I know He can heal our lil' one.
Y'all are in my prayers, Michelle. Hope your perinatologist visit turns out to be nothing more than another chance to see him dancing around in there!