Sunday, August 8, 2010

29 Week Update

Well friends I'm such a bad blogger.  Things have been so busy at work and home that I haven't had much time to write or check on all the updates you all have.  I'll try to read through them tonight:)  We interviewed a new girl to start in the office, but I didn't love her.  I know I probably won't "love" anyone, since it will be someone new.  I was a bit concerned because this girl is a friend of the office manager.  It concerns me because we haven't interviewed anyone else and if I have a complaint about her will I be able to go to the office manager with my concern?  I guess we'll see how it goes.  At 29 weeks, everything seems to be going along smoothly however we did have a bit of a scare Friday.

I normally hang out with my mom on Fridays and we normally go shopping.  This past Friday, we didn't do a whole lot.  We just walked around the mall and then went back home to check on my parents' dogs.  I had been lounging and watching some tv when I had to go to the bathroom.  First of all let me mention that I had not experienced any cramping or anything out of the ordinary this day.  Earlier on that week I had been experiencing some mild cramping, but it went away within a few hours.  When I went to the bathroom I noticed a bit of blood on my underwear.  For some reason this didn't worry me, but then I wiped and there was more bright red blood.  It was more than spotting, but not "flowing".  I definitely was concerned at this point.  You would be proud though, I was not crying:)  I called the doctor and they wanted me to go to the hospital.  I was nervous and crying at this point, but there was definitely a peace in my heart.  Even as my mom was driving me to the hospital, I was still able to hold a normal conversation and smile about things she would mention.  I know she was trying to keep my mind from thinking bad thoughts.  We got into the registration area and then I was taken to triage.  Josh was able to meet me there, but I was thankful that my mom was able to be with me until he got there.  In triage they told us that the baby was very healthy and his heart rate was very good.  The nurse mentioned that there are things the heart rate should be doing in babies further along than I am and our baby was already doing those things.  He was moving around a lot and his heart rate was fluctuating just as it should be with the movement.  They checked me to see if I was dilating or not and I wasn't.  They didn't see any active bleeding (which by the way, I should mention that the bleeding had stopped by the time I got to the hospital).  We had an ultrasound done and there was no bleeding they could see and the placenta was attached properly.  So, this was a case of "unexplained bleeding".  I hate that it was unexplained, but I'm thankful that it has stopped and so far everything is back to uneventful normal.

I thought to myself later, "so much for not being a tp inspector".  I was so thankful that our baby is healthy and they actually measured him as being a week ahead of schedule.  At the same time, I keep thinking what else can happen?  Why did I have to get any bad news during this pregnancy?  I mentioned that thought to a pastor's wife at church and she said that it must mean that there is a great calling on this little guy's life.  I've believed that from the very beginning of my pregnancy.  I've prayed that this child would do great and mighty things for the kingdom of God.  Now, I'll think of the complications I've had in a different way.  God has chosen this baby for Josh and I and I'm so excited to meet him, although I can wait until October:)  I'm thankful for this baby and he is already a blessing to us!  I'm praying this week is a great one!

1 comment:

  1. 29 weeks already. Wow time is flying by. Sorry to hear about the bleeding. It happened to me while I was pregnant also and it can truly be so scary. I'll keep you in my prayers.
