Thursday, November 11, 2010

Jackson's Birth Story

Finally, two weeks later I have a moment to start writing out his birth story.  I went in on a Sunday to be induced.  They gave me Cervadil overnight and I started Pitocin the next day.  At the time I was only dilated to 1 and 60% effaced.  Not a whole lot of action going on:)  The nurse started Pitocin around 11am, the doctor broke my water at 3cm and I handled it all ok until about 3:30pm.  They checked me and I was only dilated to 4, but I needed the epidural!!  I know they say that the epidural only hurts when they give you the numbing shot (like a bee sting), but it was way more uncomfortable than just the "bee sting".  The pressure was very uncomfortable!  I was feeling great about 15 minutes after the epidural was in place.  I made sure to ask them about the epidural pump so that I wouldn't run out of medication:)  At about 11:45pm I was completely dilated and ready to push.  I ended up pushing for 2 1/2 hours and was not really making a whole lot of progress.  The baby had moved down, but after a certain point he wasn't moving any more.  The nurse told me she was going to turn down the epidural pump so I could "feel the pressure".  About an hour after that, I could feel every contraction and it was a pain I will not forget.  And on top of that, the epidural pump had run out of my special happy  juice, so we had to wait for the anesthesiologist to come back to put more medicine in.  Finally, after my progress had pretty much stopped the nurse said she was going to call the doctor to see if he could tell if the baby was facing the wrong way and if he'd be able to turn him.  The doctor had me push with one conraction and he told me that the baby was facing up and his forehead was stuck on my pelvis.  The doctor wouldn't be able to turn him, so we had to get a C-section.

After being in labor for a whole day, I was just ready to have this baby.  I was ok with having a c-section, even though that was not my ideal situation.  It was about 3:15am when we decided to go ahead with the c-section and Jackson was born at 3:52am and I was in recovery by 4:30am.  It was a whirlwind birth!  They wanted me to start nursing him right away, but I couldn't stop shivering.  The operating room was so cold and I just could not get warm.  The nurse said it's all due to the anesthesia they gave me.  Jackson was screaming before they even took him out of me:)  He weighed 9lb 9oz and was 21 3/4 inches long.  It was the greatest thing ever seeing him born.  I was amazed and still had a hard time believing that we actually had a baby now.  I'm still amazed that we have such a sweet baby boy.  He's awesome!  I'm so thankful that he is nursing well and overall he is very healthy.  He sleeps really good at night.  I actually have to wake him up to eat.

In work news- I went in to work today to show off my new bundle of joy and talked to my boss about cutting back my hours and working from home.  He said that my position really needs to be full-time and he wants to keep the things I'm doing in the office rather than allow me to do them from home.  All along I thought I'd be able to work from home and that he would be open to it, especially since he had mentioned getting things setup so I could work from home.  Apparently that is not the case.  I'm not really angry about it, I'm just really disappointed.  I thought this would be an easy yes, sure you can work from home and sure you can cut back your hours.  I want to much to be a stay-at-home-mom, but right now finances will not allow that to happen.  I'm still praying and believing for financial blessing for Josh and his career.  I know God has placed the desire to stay home on my heart and I'm believing for him to provide a way for me to do just that.  I don't know how it will happen, but I trust God either way.  I know His way is best even if I don't like it.  If you think about it, I could use your prayers.  I hope to have more time to update you on my sweet baby boy and our family.



  1. I can't believe both our son's were born at 3:52am just on different days and both by em c-sections. Congrats!

  2. Michelle, he is just beautiful!!! Congratulations. Sorry to hear that the labor didn't go quite as planned but I'm so glad you are both doing good and are healthy.

    I am in the same boat you are with my job. I will definitely be praying for you guys and for God to point you in the direction you need to go to be able to stay home more. Please remember us as well for the same reasons. Its so hard not being home with your children and seeing them maybe 2 hours a day if your lucky. But I know God will provide for us and make this happen.
