Friday, March 19, 2010

Bad Blogger

I have to apologize for being such a bad blogger lately. I so look forward to blogging at least once a week even if it's just to vent. Life has gotten the better of me and I've been a slacker. My MIL has been in the hospital all week. FIL took her in Monday night and she's still there. We were very concerned for her health for a while and still are, but it appears that she's on the mend. My personal opinion is that she needs to make her self a priority and take better care of herself. She deserves it! She takes care of children in her home, so I can understand that it makes it difficult for her to take time off and go to the doctor. Hopefully after this experience, she'll make those necessary appointments.

DH has been working in the yard over the past few weekends. He is working hard on a sprinkler/drip system. He actually got it working and turned it on last night, but he's got a few things to complete before we get the plants, grass and rock. I'm excited to have a yard that you can show people and not just dirt with a few weeds growing:) I need to post some pictures of his work so far. I'm really proud of him! I was nervous for him to do this because he's never done it before, but he's very handy so I knew he'd get it done. I've been kinda lazy lately as far as house work. I was going to wait to vacuum until DH was done tracking dirt in the house due to the sprinkler system, but last night I had to vacuum. I hated that dirt was sticking to my bare feet when I walked on the tile. I guess then you know it's bad:)

Between work, church, and hospital this week we've been super busy. I'm hoping this weekend we can relax, although I'm sure that DH will have yard work to do:)

Oh, and by the way, the girl I work with went in for her beta Monday and it was 580 and then it was over 1200 on Wednesday. She's not really excited yet, at least from what I can tell. I know about being cautious at this stage, but I'm so happy for her. I told her that there were a lot of people praying for her and she said she was thankful for that. There were people who didn't even know her praying, I hope that made an impression on her. I'm praying for the opportunity to witness to her and I'm just waiting on His leading.

Hope you all have a great weekend!!

1 comment:

  1. Michelle,

    Good to hear from you! Hope that you have a great weekend and kudo's to hubby's handy work in installing your drip system :)

    What a sweetie you are to support your co-worker and rally her along.

    Many Hugs
